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Welcome to Iimorino Church!

集合写真Iimorino Church, located in Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture, is a Protestant church with a history of over 90 years. It was founded in July 1928 with the efforts of a missionary Dr. E.M. Clark, Pastor Junji Horii and other members.
At Iimorino Church, we value the words of the Bible and esteem having a worship service. Although it is a small group of people, people of all ages gather in a rich natural environment of Iimorino to learn the teachings of Jesus every week. We also welcome visitors who are not familiar with Jesus or Christianity or who do not know much about the content of the Bible. Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you.

園児と一緒の礼拝In 1950, we established “Ainohikari Kindergarten” (currently “Ainohikari Certified Day-care-center”), with the desire to be a church open to the local community and to provide an opportunity for infants to feel and encounter the Lord from a young age. Both Ainohikari Certified Day-care-center and Iimorino Church are seeking an ideal early childhood education based on Christianity.

会堂内The current chapel was built in 1951, following the design of the North American wooden church in the early 20th century, and has a graceful exterior and a simple, but soothing interior.

The pictures below show a Church School class and a somen-nagashi (a fascinating style of eating the thin Japanese noodles), at summer school. Please join us in worship with your children.


Pastor Introduction


Pastor Masaru Ando and his wife

I had been an engineer for thermal/nuclear power generation plants and research institutes, both in Japan and abroad for about 43 years. At the age of 64, I witnessed a tragic accident at the TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and I decided to procced to be a pastor. At 65 I went to Tokyo Union Theological Seminary, saying, “From an engineer to a pastor,” and at 67 was assigned to Iimorino Church, which was in 2014. Since then, I’ve loved this rich environment of Iimorino, while taking care of flowers.

We look forward to your visit to our church. Iimorino Church is aiming for an open church where the joy and power of life can be restored. You will surely find peace in your heart in the large space of flowers and greenery.

Shalom! May you have the peace of God in your heart!

Meeting Information

Sunday worship Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:40 am
Church school Every Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Prayer meeting Every Thursday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Every Sunday from 9:35 am to 10:15 am
Home meeting Held as necessary
Bible reading session Every Sunday after worship for about 20 minutes

*Bible reading sessions are subject to cancellation due to some other events.

コンサートの様子In addition, we regularly hold various meetings such as piano, flute or saxophone concerts. For details, please see the meeting information section (お知らせ) of the Top Page. (It may be provided in Japanese, though). We look forward to your participation.

How to get to Iimorino Church

mapFrom the school gate of Hojo High School on the Miki-Shiso prefectural road, walk westward for about five minutes along the path heading for Kasai-no-sato Social Welfare Facility or the Yoneda Hospital. When you go through the grove, you can see the chapel on your right. If you have any problems with transportation, please contact us in advance.

For inquiries, please call us at: 0790-48-3326, or use the contact form at the bottom on each page (please click the “お問い合わせはこちら” button or email mark button) to input your name, email address, phone number (optional), any questions, and check the privacy policy, and click “送信”.
Please note that it may take several days for us to reply if you contact via this contact form.

お気軽にお問い合わせください TEL 0790-48-3326 〒675-2241 兵庫県加西市段下町880

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